Our publishers just alerted us to a sweet deal, especially for those currently struggling on their holiday gift lists, double especially for those of us who haven’t even started. If you order a new subscription to Edible Brooklyn (only $28 a year!) before December 1st–or to Edible East End or even Edible Manhattan–they’ll kick in a free copy of Edible Brooklyn: The Cookbook. Just use the code EBC1 when you check out.
Wait, we know exactly what your next two questions are going to be, and the answer is yes, you CAN give this as a gift–they’ll include a card and the book will arrive no later than December 21.
And yes, you CAN keep one and give the other to someone else. At checkout, just tell us in the comments section if the book is to be mailed to a different address. You can find more details right here, and we certainly promise not to tell.