For the past two weeks the folks at Bubby’s Pie Company on the waterfront Dumbo have been running a series of locally sourced, highly curated dinners they’re calling the Fall Dinner Symposium. Past hosts were Patrick Martins, the founder of Brooklyn-based Heritage Foods USA (many heritage breed porkers were served) and a handful of local farmers. The goal, says the restaurant, is “to bring attention to what a busy NYC restaurant can do to deepen the connection between the food we eat and where we get it.”
That’s music to our ears here at Edible Brooklyn, and we’re pleased as punch (made with all that new Kings County whiskey, of course) that Bubby’s has given us a few tickets two give away to few of the future symposium meals, starting with this Thursday’s seafood spectacular. We know that sounds like some Red Lobster-style ad campaign, but it’s true: Your speakers and suppliers this week will be one of our favorite local mongers, the Mattitiuck, Long Island-based outfit called Blue Moon Fish, who’ve we’ve profiled in our pages. They sell at the Saturday Grand Army Plaza Greenmarket. If you’ve not seen them, it’s because they’re always swamped by long lines. Pun intended.
There are more details about the dinner below, as per Bubby’s press release, but in the meantime, if you’d like to score two tickets to Thursday’s Fall Dinner Symposium with Blue Moon Fish at Bubby’s, here’s what to do: The first reader to like Bubby’s on Facebook and post a message on their wall referencing @EdibleBrooklyn wins the pair. (While you’re at it, you might as well as like us on Facebook, too, if you don’t already.)
If you don’t win, don’t worry — you could still score seats to next week’s Mark Twain meal featuring Andrew Beahrs, author of Twain’s Feast: Searching for America’s Lost Foods in the Footsteps of Samuel Clemens.
***More on Thursday’s Meal**
Bubby’s Main Street Fall Dinner Symposium Thursday, October 20th 2011 7p.m.-10p.m.
with Blue Moon Fisherman’s Dinner with Alex and Stephanie Villani
Bubby’s presents these special dinners to celebrate efforts to renovate American agriculture and the American menu. Each event will feature a conversation with persons who are deeply involved in a significant aspect of this project, followed by a meal that illustrates, materially and pleasurably, the themes under discussion.
Blue Moon Fish has brought seafood from its own boat directly to thousands of New Yorkers for many years. The Villanis will talk about how they have sustained this ancient foodway in improbable circumstances and how our greatest natural resource, the ocean, is faring from their unique perspective. The dinner is intended to be the most extensive and memorable representation of local, seasonal seafood that any of us has ever experienced, including (Poseidon willing) striped bass, oysters, tuna, skate, monkfish and more, as well as smoked fish
Their website has many interesting articles from over the years and a fascinating list of the fish they may catch at different times of the year. http://bluemoonfish.com/